Is Cryptocurrency Real Money?


Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, in general, were once the subject of ridicule by economists and banking institutions around the world. But over the last few years, we’ve collectively seen just how valuable and versatile cryptocurrencies are. In turn, we’ve also seen more businesses and individuals start to use crypto tokens to pay for everyday goods or investments. But even with these changes, is cryptocurrency real money? Is it a good investment, and should merchants start accepting crypto tokens at their businesses? Today, let’s answer these questions and more, beginning with a…

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The Evolution of Money: Origin and Stages Over Time

We all use money every day, but we barely give a thought as to its purpose, its history, or why money evolved from a basic barter system to numbers on a computer screen. That’s a shame because the evolution of money is a fascinating subject. Understanding how money began and evolved can help you better understand how new forms of currency, like crypto tokens, function for trade. Today, let’s break down the evolution of money in detail, going over its origin and its stages over time. What Was the Original…

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