eCommerce Growth Strategy – What It is and How to Use It

eCommerce Growth Strategy – What It is and How to Use It

10 min read

So, you’ve just opened an online store and are probably ready to throw everything at it to keep it afloat and even profitable. But what approach would you use? Do you have an eCommerce growth strategy in place?

In the past, online stores believed the surefire way to grow was by spending heavily on paid advertising. And what was the idea behind it?

Display your brand to as many people as possible, and voilà! Sales would magically roll in. But times have changed, and the global eCommerce market is more competitive.

In this article, we’ll discuss the eCommerce business growth strategy. We’ll define it and explain how you can grow your online sales.


What is an eCommerce Growth Strategy?

eCommerce growth strategies are like your business game plan, bringing everything together. We’ve got three overarching themes:

  • Product strategy – the process of developing, launching and managing your products.
  • Customer relationships – the interaction between your store and its customers.
  • Corporate interactions – your store’s relationship with suppliers, partners and distributors.

They all team up to make sure your brand shines.

Remember, your eCommerce strategy is dynamic. It’s a living, breathing thing evolving with your company. For your plan to succeed, your eCommerce business must keep its loyal customers happy, charming new ones and keep the client base growing. It’s all about adapting and conquering challenges along your eCommerce journey.

Having loosely defined the eCommerce strategies, we can dive deeper into its components and principles.


Defining the Concepts of Growth Strategies in Online Businesses

Firstly, we have market analysis and target audience identification. Understanding your market and knowing your customers inside out is crucial. This way, you can create products and experiences they’ll love!

Next, we need to set measurable goals and objectives. Think of it as placing a finish line for a race. You need clear goals to know what you’re aiming for. Whether increasing sales, getting more website visitors or boosting social media followers, having specific targets will keep you on track.

Ah, competitive analysis and positioning – this is like checking out your competitors in the business arena. It’s not about being sneaky; it’s about learning from them and finding your unique spot in the market.

Now, let’s talk marketing and promotional tactics. Show the world why they should choose your business through social media campaigns, email marketing and more.

Finally, customer retention and loyalty programs. Your existing customers are gold. You want to keep them happy and coming back for more.

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We’ve identified all the crucial aspects of growth strategies for eCommerce stores. With the newly acquired knowledge, you can now build a strategy for your business. Let’s make this practical.


Developing an eCommerce Growth Strategy

The development strategy will use a stepwise approach. We can start by outlining the goals of our eCommerce growth strategy.


Setting the Objectives

As a business owner, you must first outline your goals. Consider the following objectives for new eCommerce businesses.

You can also weigh other factors, such as budgetary limitations, expected profit margins and customer target numbers for defined periods.


Understanding the ‘Why’ Using Evidence-Based Strategies

Don’t just implement strategies without proper research. Understand how these methods work and why they can work for your business.

Let’s consider social media marketing.

ecommerce growth strategy driving social engagement


According to a Forbes survey, about two-thirds of shoppers use social media platforms as part of their online shopping routine. People are discovering brands through social posts, checking out product photos on Instagram and engaging in customer conversations in the comments.

So, why should your eCommerce site use social media?

  • It’s a persuasion powerhouse
  • Unexpected exposure
  • Traffic booster
  • Building bonds
  • Trust builder
  • Customer satisfaction


With evidence-backed methods, you can confidently implement a strategy and document expected outcomes based on previous performances.


What Actions Can You Take to Meet the Online Store Targets?

After defining the goals, it’s crucial to devise actionable steps to achieve them.


Targeting the Right Customers

Creating buyer personas is a powerful tool in any eCommerce marketing strategy. These are fictional yet data-driven representations of your ideal customers.

  1. First, you need to consider the demographics of your target audience. Look into potential customer data like age, gender, location and other relevant factors. Knowing these key details will help you tailor your marketing messages and offers to resonate better with your audience.
  2. But we can’t stop at just demographics. We also need to delve into the psychographic characteristics of online buyers. Understand their values, interests, lifestyles and behavior patterns. You can connect with your audience, making your brand more appealing and relatable in this way.
  3. Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of customer preferences. Know what they like, dislike and what motivates them to purchase a product. Gathering this intel can optimize your product offerings and create a seamless customer experience speaking directly to their needs.


Once you have a solid grasp of your target audience, the next step is to tailor your products to meet their needs. Go beyond the one-size-fits-all approach and offer personalized solutions.

Customers love feeling like a brand truly “gets” them. You can achieve this through customization options, bundles or personalized recommendations based on past purchases.

Personalization is a buzzword for a reason! Embrace it as one of your core customer retention strategies. Use client data to deliver tailored content, product suggestions and special offers.


Build Excellent Services for Customer Retention

Your customers are the lifeblood of your eCommerce store. Their loyalty is what keeps your business thriving. It’s that simple!

So, let’s focus on something crucial: providing incredible customer service. You’ll boost customer satisfaction and unlock benefits like glowing testimonials, word-of-mouth referrals and increased retention from your existing customers.

Customer loyalty and brand loyalty go hand in hand. When you prioritize providing top-notch service to your shoppers, it sets the stage for repeat customers who can’t wait to return for more. And who wouldn’t love that? It’s a win-win situation for customers and eCommerce brands.

Engage with your customers, be attentive to their needs and make their shopping journey a breeze. That’s how you cultivate a loyal customer base and turn your eCommerce store into a go-to destination for all their needs.


Integrating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Monitor Your eCommerce Business

ecommerce growth strategy kpi dashboard


When developing a successful growth strategy, identifying areas for improvement is crucial. You can’t rely on guesswork. You need solid data and KPIs as your benchmark and guide. So, hold off on the “growth hacking” until you have a clear picture.

Using KPIs can help you answer important questions, such as:

  • Which efforts aren’t yielding the desired results?
  • What strategies are most effective in boosting revenue?
  • Does your business need faster load speeds for its eCommerce website?
  • Are the pay-per-click ads on Google producing the desired result?
  • What is the percentage of repeat customers compared to the overall customer base?


It’s essential to track KPIs falling into four distinct categories:


Monetary indicators

They monitor profits, revenue, and return on investment to gauge financial performance. Examples include:

  1. Net Profit Margin - shows you how much profit you make for every dollar in revenue. It’s a key indicator of your business’s overall financial health.
  2. Operational Cash Flow - conveys how much money you have available for expansion or new marketing efforts after paying for maintenance and other ongoing costs in the supply chain.
  3. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) – measures how much money you spend on marketing to acquire a new customer. Keeping a close eye on CAC helps you optimize your marketing efforts to attract potential customers efficiently.


Customer Indicators

They provide the number of past, current, potential and new customers to monitor your customer base. Below are two examples:

  • Number of customers retained – reveals how successful you are at retaining new customers. Building brand loyalty through excellent customer experiences can lead to long-term success.
  • Churn Rate – this is all about customer experience. The churn rate indicates how quickly customers stop spending money at your business.
  • Monthly website traffic – indicates the number of visitors your eCommerce website receives monthly.


Conversion Indicator

They assess the number of visitors who turned into customers, providing valuable insights. One of the metrics is the conversion rate, recording your eCommerce website visitors who become paying customers. It’s crucial to optimize your sales channels and website experience to improve your conversion rate.


Purchase Indicator

These methods analyze customers’ behavior who attempted or completed a purchase to identify trends.

Remember, as you delve into influencer marketing and other strategies to attract new customers, keeping an eye on these KPIs will help you track progress and make data-driven decisions. Optimizing your sales channels, focusing on potential customers, and increasing average order value will contribute to your business’s growth and success.

Fortunately, top-notch customer services are available to assist in tracking these essential KPIs. Data like revenue statistics, real-time support performance information, and up-to-date customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores ensure you have everything you need to enhance your eCommerce growth strategy.


Watch Out for Emerging Market Trends

An effective eCommerce strategy will incorporate the latest technologies with proven results. Among the solutions online retailers are using to grow their eCommerce brand is cryptocurrency payments. With a growing market of crypto users, the new settlement option has proven an effective eCommerce strategy.

So, what are the benefits of crypto payments in eCommerce?

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Boosting eCommerce Brand Success

Embracing crypto payments on your eCommerce platform can have numerous benefits that encourage customers to engage with your brand, increase brand awareness, and ultimately boost sales. Let’s look at the advantages:


1. Lower transaction fees

One of the major perks of crypto payments in eCommerce is the lower transaction fees compared to traditional methods like credit cards or PayPal. This can save businesses money on each transaction, leading to increased profits.


2. Faster payments

Embracing this payment method can significantly improve your cash flow, ensuring you receive funds faster and reducing the risk of fraudulent chargebacks.


3. Global reach

Unlike traditional currencies with geographical limitations, accepting cryptocurrencies enables your eCommerce platform to connect with customers worldwide.


4. Increased security

The transparency and immutability of the blockchain help reduce the risk of theft and eliminate chargebacks, ensuring a safer shopping environment for your customers.


5. Appeal to a growing customer base

The number of cryptocurrency users is rapidly growing. Your store can tap into this expanding customer base by accepting crypto payments. Appealing to crypto enthusiasts can increase customer satisfaction by providing their preferred means of settlement for goods or services.

From the article, there are several considerations when developing an eCommerce growth strategy. But you can start working on a top-tier, successful growth plan by accepting additional (crypto) payment methods.


Enhance Your eCommerce Growth Strategy and Customer Experience with CoinPayments’ Crypto Solutions

ecommerce growth strategy pushing sales worldwide


With the advent of cryptocurrencies, eCommerce businesses can access broader audiences to grow their platforms. Here are the business advantages of integrating crypto payments with CoinPayments.

  • CoinPayments has simplified the buying process through cryptocurrency by including merchant support features like shopping plugins, allowing online shoppers to execute crypto transactions conveniently.
  • For small businesses using eCommerce sites and physical stores, the Point of Sale (PoS) system by CoinPayments will serve your physical and virtual cryptocurrency payment needs.
  • CoinPayments’ extensive API functionalities allow eCommerce enterprises to manage repeat purchases and create a branded checkout experience.
  • An industry-low transaction fee starting at only 0.5% ensures you pay less for each payment transaction, allowing more budgetary allocation to online advertising and other business growth factors.
  • We handle great volumes of payments in every industries, including eCommerce.


Don’t wait for the market to catch up!

Join thousands of merchants worldwide on CoinPayments. Supercharge your eCommerce services with cryptocurrency payments.


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